Relic Hunter


Relic Hunter is a Foddian style game made for a Game Jam. Made in 48 hours by me solo this game harnesses 3 abilities to allow the player to scale ancient tomb with their stolen relics!
1. Teleport Stick – allows the player to throw a stick which they can teleport to, careful, the only way to get it back is to teleport to it – so don’t drop it! You might hit the bottom!

2. Boomerang – Illuminate your way with the boomerang artifact, launch unlimited boomerangs to increase field of vision and illuminate areas temporarily.

3. Black Hole Orb – When cast it will slam down which can be used to catapult the player across large distances unattainable with boomerang stick, careful not to fall!

These abilities in combination make for an interesting playstyle allowing the player to scale using the techniques they develop.

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